SCS Council
SCS Council is a leadership group that includes the Dean of SCS, Associate Deans, and Directors and Department Heads from each of the School's seven academic departments, as well as an additional faculty representative from each department. SCS Council meets roughly once a week to discuss college business. The broad-ranging agenda for our meetings consists of topics brought to the group by council members, with a sprinkling of priority initiatives of school leadership and some topical social issues. The discussions often include review and approval of new academic programs, faculty candidates, and policies.
SCS Council Members
Phillip Compeau, CBD
Tom Cortina, CSD/Associate Dean
Lorrie Cranor, S3D/CyLab
Nicolas Christin, S3D
Mona Diab, LTI
Fei Fang, S3D
Jodi Forlizzi, HCII
Bob Frederking, LTI/Associate Dean
David Garlan, S3D/Associate Dean
Khaled Harras, Qatar-CS
Martial Hebert, Dean
Herman Herman, NREC
Marijn Huele, CSD
Daphne Ippolito, LTI
Matthew Johnson-Roberson, RI
Zico Kolter, MLD
Oliver Kroemer, RI
Philip Lehman, Associate Dean
Jose Lugo-Martinez, CBD
Nichole Merritt, Dean's Office
Brad Myers, HCII
Amy Ogan, HCII
Deva Ramanan, RI
Russell Schwartz, CBD
Walt Schearer, Associate Dean
Srini Seshan, CSD
Virginia Smith, MLD
Cheryl Wehrer, RI
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